The Club of Rome on the role of values in shaping the quality of life

  • Tomskikh M.S.

    Transbaikal State University
    Chita. Russia


The problem of values has always been the focus of scientists, politicians and public figures. The article analyzes the position of the representatives of the Club of Rome on the role and importance of values in the world. Referring to the quality of life, factors that ensure its adequate level, the scientists of the international non-governmental organization, called to various conditions, namely the creation of new values, of new human qualities. It is these conditions, in their opinion, are able to provide a comfortable and safe existence in the world. At present, science can identify a number of different conceptual approaches to the study of changes in value. These are: the sociological concept of the role and importance of value orientation of the individual in modern society; the theory of post-industrialism; the doctrine of freedom of choice; trust concept; analysis of postmaterialistic values in the context of globalization; the evolution of the concept of sexual culture.

Keywords: value, quality of life, the Club of Rome, ecological and economic values.